
Digital space for IDPs in Vuchkove village launched

A computer room has been equipped in a home for IDPs in the village of Vuchkove in Mizhhirya community! Three new laptops, a printer, headphones are at the disposal of children and mothers! All the equipment was provided by the Humanitarian Mission “Proliska”, Mizhhirya community provided the Internet, and the volunteers of our center set up and launched the necessary equipment.

All this was done within the framework of our joint project “Reconstruction of housing for IDPs”. So now the children can do their homework in a variety of ways, join online study, and adults would use the equipment in their work.

Many thanks to the benefactors of Proliska, who, in addition to computer equipment, previously purchased household appliances for the needs of internally displaced families living in this building! We are sincerely grateful to Vuchkove’s Head, Lyudmyla Popovych, for her care for people.